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Messages by Tracker Report

If you're utilizing the Messaging features, you'll find the Messages by Tracker report very helpful to see an overall summary report of your messages by tracker and be able to spot trends with the charts.

Messages by Tracker Report

To access this report, click Reports in the navigation bar. Once in the Reports section, you'll see the Messages by Tracker link in the left sidebar.

Changing the Chart Type

Sometimes it's useful to visualize data with a different chart type to for it to provide more value. There are three different chart types available:

  • Stacked Bar Chart - Great for seeing trends over time.
  • Area Line Chart - similar to a stacked bar chart, shows trends over time very well.
  • Donut - great for summarizing data and seeing portional variances.
Changing the Chart Date Range

In many cases it might be useful to change the date range for the data you want to see. For example, you might want to see messages over the last 6 months or the last year. Use the date range tool just above the chart as needed.