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In this article, we'll go over how to setup Zapier integration and how to push your call data into 1000s of other applications via Zapier.
Our Zapier integration is available to all users and the data that is available to you in Zapier will be the same that is available in the Call Tracker application.
Important Zapier integration is currently in Beta and Invite only on the Zapier platform. You must use this link to access the Call Tracker App on Zapier. Access Call Tracker Zapier App
Login to your Zapier account and follow the Make A Zap button just as you would with any other Zapier integration. If you dont have a Zapier account, you can create a free one here.
Next, choose Call Tracker as the Trigger App because you'll be pulling data out of Call Tracker to push it into another application. Once, you've found Call Tracker, select and press the continue button.
On this screen, you'll be prompted to choose what type of Trigger you'd like to setup. We have 5 triggers available to choose from:
If you're just getting started, we recommend using the New Completed Call trigger as it will be used most often.
Next, you'll be prompted to connect your Call Tracker Account to Zapier, press the Connect New Account button to get started.
Your Call Tracker API Key can be found here.
Keep following the Zapier Zap setup prompts and choose the application you want to push the data to and you're all set to go.